Cranberry Apple Cider Sangria with Brandy and Oranges: The Perfect Festive Drink

Cranberry Apple Cider Sangria with Brandy and Oranges The Perfect Festive Drink

As the leaves begin to fall and the air gets crisp, the search for the perfect autumnal beverage becomes a delightful pursuit. Few drinks capture the essence of the season quite like a refreshing, fruit-filled sangria. This Cranberry Apple Cider Sangria with Brandy and Oranges recipe not only embraces fall flavors but also adds a festive twist that’s perfect for holiday gatherings or cozy nights in.


To make this scrumptious sangria, you’ll need:

  • Cranberry Juice: 2 cups (unsweetened for a tart flavor)
  • Apple Cider: 3 cups (freshly pressed, if possible)
  • Brandy: 1 cup (aged for a smoother taste)
  • Red Wine: 1 bottle (a dry variety works best, such as Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon)
  • Oranges: 2 (sliced into thin rounds)
  • Apples: 2 (cored and cut into thin slices)
  • Fresh Cranberries: 1 cup
  • Cinnamon Sticks: 2 (for a spicy touch)
  • Club Soda: 1 cup (optional, for added fizz)
  • Additional Orange Slices and Cranberries for garnish


Follow these simple steps to create your own pitcher of autumn magic:

  1. Combine the Liquids: Start by pouring the cranberry juice, apple cider, brandy, and red wine into a large pitcher. Stir to mix the ingredients well.
  2. Add Fruits and Spices: Drop in the orange slices, apple slices, fresh cranberries, and cinnamon sticks. Make sure the fruit is fully submerged to infuse the sangria with their flavors.
  3. Chill: Refrigerate the sangria for at least 4 hours, but preferably overnight. This chilling time allows all the flavors to meld together beautifully.
  4. Serve: Just before serving, if you prefer a fizzy sangria, gently stir in the club soda. Pour the sangria into glasses, making sure to include some of the fruit and a cinnamon stick in each glass for a charming presentation.
  5. Garnish: Top each glass with a few extra cranberries and an orange slice for a photogenic finish.

Serving Suggestions

This Cranberry Apple Cider Sangria with Brandy and Oranges pairs wonderfully with a variety of autumn dishes. Serve it alongside a cheese platter featuring sharp cheddar and creamy brie, or enjoy it with roasted turkey or honey-glazed ham. It’s also delightful with a pumpkin pie or apple crisp for dessert.

Tips for the Perfect Sangria

  • Wine Selection: Choose a wine that’s fruity but not too sweet. A dry red will balance the sweetness of the cider and cranberry juice.
  • Quality Counts: Opt for higher quality brandy if your budget allows, as it will significantly affect the flavor.
  • Customize: Feel free to add more fruits like pears or swap out the spices for star anise or cloves.
  • Non-Alcoholic Version: For a mocktail variation, swap the red wine and brandy for grape juice and additional apple cider.


This Cranberry Apple Cider Sangria with Brandy and Oranges is more than a drink—it’s a celebration of the season’s bounty. It’s a testament to the power of quality ingredients and the joy of shared moments. Give this recipe a try, and you’re sure to impress your guests with a drink that’s as visually stunning as it is delicious.

For more delicious recipes and seasonal inspirations, continue to follow us, and share your sangria-making adventures with us! Cheers to a delightful autumn!


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